Refund Policy
- If you placed your order using a credit/debit card and we have approved the refund, we will refund the price of the item returned to the same card.
- Please note that it may take up to 7-14 business days.
- If you have opted for the Cash on Delivery (COD) service, we will issue you a store credit/money transfer to the account you have asked us to make.
- Store credit is credit you can use towards purchases on our website towards any item purchases equivalent to the price of the items you returned.
- This means that we guarantee and evaluate the payment you have made with us and will provide a refund service according to your needs.
Cancellation Policy
- If you change your mind before the item ships (*call us to confirm), cancel your order and we will process the refund along with any shipping costs that apply.
- Cancellations depend on whether or not your order has been shipped. Usually, this happens within 3-5 working days, so please try to cancel your order at an early stage.
- If your order has been shipped, we would not be able to cancel it. At that point, your next best option is to use our hassle-free return policy and return the item for a store credit.